Oil paintings

„…If only I still knew what I saw at night, but that has all been slept away, and the painting finished the day before is already far away, the umbilical cord cut. It is hanging up to dry and the new painting is having its own adventure, its incomparably different risk. > more

Die Mondkanone

Nachtfest am Meer



I like to travel, and of course without blinders. However, what I see descends into the basement. And then one goes up and down within oneself with the elevator, consciously or unconsciously, and cites that seen, often only in vague outlines. > more

o.T. – in: Reisetagebuch der Cylon-Reise 1958


o.T. (Markt in der Kirchenruine …)


On the Unknown page we would like to present works of Heinz Trökes at irregular intervals that one generally would not associate with Heinz Trökes. We also present works here that were long considered lost or are still lost. > more

Nacht, WVZ Krause 25

o.T. ( Umzeichnung II), WVZ TRÖKES P 52/1953

Blaues Eisgewächs, WVZ Krause 168