Do you have questions concerning a work by Heinz Trökes, would like to find out more about the œuvre of Heinz Trökes or are searching for special information?
Don’t hesitate to contact us? We look forward to hearing from you.

The Trökes Archive is a private initiative with the goal of preserving the work and the artistic estate of Heinz Trökes and making it accessible to a broad public. Manuel Trökes, the son of Heinz and Renée, has compiled, registered and secured the artistic estate. He heads the Trökes Archive and can be contacted at any time to answer questions involving the work of Heinz Trökes.

The objectives of the Trökes Archive are:

  • value preservation of the artwork of Heinz Trökes 
  • registering all works in a digital catalogue
  • making all works accessible to a broad public in the web
  • finding lost and unknown works and including them in the catalogue raisonné
  • supporting partners with exhibitions of Heinz Trökes in galleries and museums with works and information
  • creating expertise on individual works by Heinz Trökes for collectors, gallery owners and auction houses

Postal address

Am Spreebord 9
10589 Berlin

Phone +49 30 20 23 85 07

Contact form for general inquiries

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    Register a new art work of Heinz Trökes

      Angaben zum Bild - Details of the work

      Bitte senden Sie uns drei Bilder - Please send us three images.

      Minimum 72 dpi, maximale Länge 1024 Pixel - min. 72 dpi, max length 1024 pixel,
      maximale Dateigröße pro Datei 5 MB - maximum file size per file 5 MB

      1. Bild Vorderseite - 1. front picture

      2. Bild nur Signatur - 2. signature only

      3. Bild Rückseite - 3. back-side picture

      Angaben zu Ihrer Person - personal details

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